The Curtis Wilson Cost Gallery

A Family of Artists

Curtis Wilson Cost

Curtis Wilson Cost's original paintings and reproductions of the Hawai'i are some of the most sought-after in the world. He began his art career in the 1970s, and opened the Curtis Wilson Cost Gallery at the Kula Lodge with his wife Jill Cost in 1985. Mr. Cost continues to paint multiple new works a year and has the longest running one-man gallery in the state of Hawai'i.

“My work is about place and timelessness. I have lived in Hawai'i most of my life, and over the decades, my paintings have become an archive of the islands as they have grown, preserving them through renderings of the way they once were, and the way they remain underneath the surface of change.” - CWC

Jill Ann Radner Cost

Jill Ann Radner Cost is the powerhouse behind the Curtis Wilson Cost Gallery. She has been leading and managing the business behind the scenes since the inception Mr. Cost’s painting career. She is a talented sewist and fabric designer and had her own one-woman business called Kulia Batiks before she and Mr. Cost built their fine art gallery together in the early 1980s.

Julia Allisson Cost

Julia Allisson Cost is Curtis and Jill's daughter. She has been painting professionally since 2005. She is also a sewist, textile designer, and dancer. Some of her paintings are available through the Curtis Wilson Cost Gallery.


Elliott Wilson Cost

Elliott is Curtis and Jill's son. He is an artist, designer, and programmer living in Rotterdam. Growing up in a deeply creative family has shaped how he looks at the world. Elliott designed and built this very website.
